Saturday, 23 August 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome to Europe Base!
Can you find Europe on the World map? 

The summer holidays are nearly over and it is nearly time to come back to school. I hope all of you are as excited as I am about coming into year one!  Our classroom has been a very busy place over the summer holidays. We have had lots of builders in who have made our lovely learning area even bigger! The classroom will look a little bit different when you come back in September, but it is much better! You will also notice a bigger patio area in our garden which will be great for our outdoor learning! I have taken some photos to show you what the classroom looked like at different stages of the build! Here is a little preview...

I hope you have all been busy collecting your holiday treasures in your special bag - I have and I can't wait to tell you all about them. I am looking forward to seeing what your favourite book is too!

Here are some tips to help you, and your mums and dads, on your first day back at school:

  • When you come in find your peg and hang your things up. Remember everything that comes to school needs to have your name on it! 
  • Put your lunch box on the trolley outside the classroom. 
  • Put your drink in the blue box in the classroom.
  • Put your school book bag in our book bag box, rucksacks don't fit in our box so please keep your things in your book bag! We also don’t keep pencil cases in year one, we have plenty of pencils and crayons for you to use in the classroom.
  • Change your shoes ready for active time - there is a special place for you to keep your school shoes or trainers by the door.
  • Find a job to do at a table.
  • Remember to give mum or dad a hug goodbye!

 See you all next week!

Miss Burge