Sunday, 31 May 2015

Arts Week

I hope you have all had a very fun half term! It's gone very quickly, but next week is one of my favourite weeks of the year - International Arts Week! This year, the theme for the whole school is based around the Carnival of the Animals. 

In year one we are going to be focussing on turtles, which happens to be in my top 3 favourite animals! We will be spending the week finding out about turtles and creating some turtle-inspired artwork music and dance!

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Phonics Workshop

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Phonics Workshop after school today! It was lovely to see everybody busy playing games with mums, dads, grannies and grandads! I hope you picked up some ideas to try out at home - I'm looking forward to hearing all about it! If you weren't able to make it tonight we'll be sending out phonics packs tomorrow afternoon with all the information from the workshop. If you would like anything else then please do ask! See you tomorrow!